Continuing the Drive to a Digital Enterprise & Superior Customer Experience…
Eastern Lift Truck Co.’s service technicians are being armed with ServiceMax software…..a service repair order software system…..and tablets, which allows all repair order documentation to be provided to customers electronically. Eventually, customers will have the option to place service requests and receive service call status updates electronically, rather than having to make phone calls or send emails.
Anyone with questions about this new system is directed to please email Jason Thompson, Corporate Aftermarket Manager, who is based out of the company’s Maple Shade, NJ headquarters.
About Eastern Lift Truck Co. Service
For nearly fifty years, Eastern Lift Truck Co. has built a highly regarded reputation by providing its customers with an outstanding service experience, through a culture rooted in integrity and honesty. Over the years, the company’s service coverage has grown from forklifts and aerial work platforms, to include mobile railcar movers, balers, compactors, yard trucks, docks, doors, and other warehouse related equipment.
Preventative maintenance and repair services are offered throughout seven states (ten states for balers and compactors), via an ever growing team of 400+ service technicians.